There are few newspapers focusing on economic issues published in Finland, but they aren't as extensively read as newspapers in general. Usually they are read by people who are interested in economic topics or somehow work with them. Economic papers contain information for example about stocks and stockmarkets. They also have different kinds of articles about economic events and people. Here's some information about the two most important economic papers in Finland. The biggest economic paper in Finland is Kauppalehti. The autided circulation of Kauppalehti is nowadays 85 147. With Kauppalehti you get 2 times per month a magazine called Optio which is dealing more in depth with the stocks and once in a week Saldo -supplement which deals with micro-level economy.

Kauppalehti's toughest rival is Taloussanomat, which is the second biggest economic newspaper in Finland. The content is somewhat similar when compared to Kauppalehti, though Taloussanomat may be pointed more to "the ordinary people" than Kauppalehti.

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